Did you know that Net-Zero homes generate the same energy they consume, through renewable sources like sun, wind, or water? When building a custom home, it's important to remember that the cost of the home...
A passive-certified home is one that employs a set of advanced building technologies to achieve extreme energy efficiency. Energy consumption is reduced by up to 90% compared to a conventionally-built...
Where high-performance houses are
concerned, Clarum Homes believes the entire approach is important. This
includes everything from design details, materials or installation methods. To
ensure all these...
Did you know that the average
single-family home in the U.S. generates between 6,960 & 12,064 lbs. of
construction waste? A home is only as sustainable as the materials used in its
Building a green, high-performance home will typically
always cost more than the same home built to standard building codes. The
advantage is the long-term energy savings over the life of the home...
The cost of energy is rising rapidly — and not just in
dollars. Our environment is also paying the price: non-renewable energy
consumption, carbon emissions, and pollution. In the U.S., 39% of all
We're honored to be featured in Home Builder Digest as the second best custom home builder in San Jose. Of the fifteen builders represented, we are one of only two with expertise in passive home building....
You know you want
to build a new custom home and you know where you want to build it. Now it’s
time to pick a builder. What to look for exactly? These ten questions will help
you better understand their...
At Clarum, we work with families to leverage Passive House home building practices for extreme performance opportunities in their custom home building projects. A Passive-Certified home is one that employs...
When you’re planning to build a new custom home, it’s easy to focus on upfront expenses and costs of construction without thinking about ongoing costs once the home is built. These operating costs...