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Deciding to build a custom home in Silicon Valley is an involved process, and understanding the progression of a construction project is essential to both your mental well-being and the success of your project.
You may be surprised at how much work has to happen before construction. Pre-construction components like budgeting, financing, property selection, topographical surveying, permitting, planning, and design will weigh into your budget and timeline for completion. In particular, the complexity and duration of the permitting process can surprise future home owners in Silicon Valley.
In an area that’s known for being on the cutting edge of technology, you’ll likely find the Silicon Valley permitting process to be somewhat outdated and cumbersome. To help you understand this involved permitting process, we’ve highlighted a few key concepts to consider as you prepare for construction:
Land Use and Development Regulations – Once you’ve found the right location to build your custom home, construction will be subject to restrictions based on whichever municipality oversees it. A comprehensive understanding of land use and development requirements is necessary to inform pre-construction planning and design. These regulations will also have an impact on your budget, so be sure to account for them accurately!
Construction Plan – You’ll need to prepare a detailed construction plan to submit to your municipality’s building inspection office, to be reviewed and checked for compliance with mandatory building codes, zoning ordinances, health codes, etc. A comprehensive construction plan is really a combination of smaller, more detailed plans including (but not limited to): your plot plan, foundation plan, floor plan, exterior elevation, cross section, framing plans, roof plan, soil report, engineering reports, energy calculations, and construction details.
Fees – Permitting and development fees will vary by municipality, but are known pre-construction costs and should be accounted for in your budget and planning processes.
Well-designed, well-built, beautiful custom homes take time from start to finish, but are worth it when you have a home that meets your needs for comfort, lifestyle, and beauty. Although acquiring a building permit can seem daunting, having a design professional and a contractor who are familiar with the local planning and building departments can make a big difference.
If you’re considering building a custom home in one of Silicon Valley’s thriving communities, be sure to touch base with the appropriate permitting authority to understand the nuances of home construction in your area. Here are a few helpful links:
If you’re interested in learning more about how we build new custom homes, call Clarum Homes at 650.322.7069.