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When it comes to modern home construction, you have an incredible array of options for bringing high-performance (and high efficiency) to your project – making your custom home healthier, smarter for the environment, and a great long term investment.
One such option is related to your water heater. Did you know that (according to Energy Star) about 15% of the energy consumed in a modern home goes to heating water?
It’s true! Most of that hot water (37%) gets used in the shower. Your clothes washing machine is the second-biggest guzzler (26%), followed by the dishwasher, bath and sink. Obviously it’s nice to have plenty of hot water for all of these functions – but there’s a more efficient way to heat the water in your modern home.
At Clarum, we believe high-performance water heaters are an integral addition to any custom home building project. That’s because high-performance water heaters are proven to consume up to 15% less energy than their conventional counterparts, which means your utility bill (and your home’s environmental footprint) are about to get smaller.
There are a variety of high-performance water heaters to choose from for your energy-efficient, modern home. For example, lists the following:
Ready to learn more about bringing high-performance and efficient building practices to your custom home building project? Give Clarum Homes a call at 650.322.7069 or download our High-Performance Home Building Guide to learn more.