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Green energy expert Sean Miskelley from Clarum Homes explains the use of the Structurally Insulated Panel (SIP) Roofing System in the Palo Alto Passive home. These panels are 12? thick, giving the roof an insulation value of R44. The panels are delivered to the construction site, lifted in to place, and secured. This allows an airtight attic assembly and eliminates the need for hot, unconditioned attic spaces. In addition, it doesn’t require the venting of traditional attic vaults.
The science behind energy efficiency in our building walls strips down simply into three areas:
1. Air Transfer/ Air tightness
2. Convective Looping
3. Thermal Bridging
SIPs are high performance building panels typically made by sandwiching a rigid core of foam plastic insulation between two structural skins of oriented strand board. They offer great air tightness and insulation with superior R values. The resulting home is extremely strong, energy-efficient and cost effective. Building with SIP panels saves time, money and labor.
SIPs are not more expensive. Generally, building with SIPs costs about the same as building with wood frame construction when you factor in the labor savings from shorter construction time and less job-site waste. You will also realize other savings over time because less expensive heating and cooling systems are required with SIP construction.
If you’d like to know more about the science behind building with SIPs, their company website has a great article that explains it in more detail.
Learn more about insulating your custom-designed energy-efficient home! Call as at 650.322.7069.